Monday, August 9, 2010


Let's share our STRESS

Living in today's modern world is not an easy thing to do. People face a lot of stress,trying to cope with their daily life,family,work,friend's and the environment. Stress is the combination of physchological,physiological,and behavioural reaction that people have in response to events that threaten or challenge them. Stress can be good and bad. Sometimes,stress is helpful,providing people with the extra energy or alertness they need. For example,stress could give a runner the edge he or she needs to persevere in a marathon. Unfortunately,stress is often not helpful and can even be harmful when not managed effectively.

There are many reasons why people undergo stress. One of the sources of stress is the hassles that occur practically everyday,such as having to make decisions arguing with friends and family,trying to meet datelines at school or work,or even stepping on a piece of bubble gum that someone carelessly spit out. Daily hassles may include concerns about weight,health of family member,too many things to do,misplacing or losing things,investments,crimes and physical appearance.

Besides these,major catastrophes can be a tremendous source of stress. Major types catastrophes include natural disasters like earthquake , floods and droughts . Many war veterans have been known to have symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder,such as recurrent memories,nightmares,sleep disturbances and irritability.

Many people face stress due to their family. Lack of parent-child emotional bonding,misbehaviour of children,poor communication between parents and children and divorce of parents could also result in stress. Changing jobs or occupations can also be stressful. People may feel frustrated, and afraid,for example,after being laid off or fired from their job. Similarly,employees may feel belittled or embarrassed after being demoted.

Study in school and collages,for instance,often feel overwhelmed from having too many assignments or assignments that are too difficult. It has been found that final grades,excessive homework,examinations,teachers and class environment often cause stress to students.

When people have stress,they have problem with their concentration and making decision. They have a low opinion of themselves. People who are under extreme stress may react by showing feelings of nervousness,anger,sadness,shame or tension. Due of these feelings,they may have increased heart rate,increased blood pressure,rapid or irregular breathing,muscle tension,sweating,dry mouth or increased blood sugar levels. Furthermore,they may be prone to accidents or have difficultly in sleeping. Others may overeat or suffer loss of appetite. Some may not want to face their problems and end up running away from their problems. These kinds of people will quit job,drop out school,take alcohol or drugs,commit crimes or even attempt suicide.

There are two ways how people can manage stress. They can do it through self-help or by seeking professional help. Many try to reduce stress by themselves by creating an optimistic outlook in life. Having a high self-esteem can influence a person to respond to stress positively.

People are particularly resistant to stress if they lead a healthy lifestyle,which includes a healthy diet,physical fitness and enough rest and relaxation. In particular,people who lead a healthy lifestyle have the energy they need to cope with stress.

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